Wainoni Park Pony Club welcomes riders of all capabilities. We cater to all levels and interests providing opportunities for members to fulfil their competitive aspirations and supporting members who simply ride for enjoyment.
Members have the opportunity to take part in a wide variety of equestrian activities organised by the club, access our all-weather riding facilities, and benefit from our quality coaches.
New Members Welcome!
New members are always welcome at Wainoni Park Pony Club. ​You do not need to be experienced to join.
Feel free to contact us to arrange a time to see our grounds and facilities, meet our members and horses, and find out more about joining.
You need to have your own horse or pony to be a riding member of Wainoni Park Pony Club.
We offer a Junior Pony Care
programme for those who are keen
to learn about caring for a pony before
buying one.
Our next Junior Pony Care
course starts October 2024

Types of Membership
Wainoni Park Pony Club offers different types of membership for junior and adult riders.
Riding member aged under 18
(must register in association with an adult member) -
Adult non-riding member
(volunteer or parent/caregiver of under 18 rider) -
Riding member aged 18–25
Horsemaster (adult rider aged 25+)
Horsemaster with voting rights (adult riders aged 25+)
Second riding member with family discount
(10% discount for additional riding members in one family) -
Junior Pony Care member
Life member
Adult member - paid coach
Technical member - examiners, judges, course builders
Use this chart to work out which membership type is best for you
(click to enlarge)

Membership Fees
Annual membership costs for 2024/2025 season
Membership to Wainoni Park Pony Club is for
1 year starting from August 1st through to July 31st.
All memberships are due for renewal in August regardless of when you join in the season. ​
Note: Junior Pony Care memberships are based on the course term (10 weeks) not an annual term.

Getting Involved
All riders and their families at Wainoni Park Pony Club play a role in keeping the club operational and looking after our grounds and facilities.
Minimum requirements for members of Wainoni Park Pony Club:
Assistance of at least one adult per riding member at all events hosted by WPPC
(Ribbon Day, Show Jumping Day, One-Day Event, Open Night, etc.) -
Assistance of at least one adult per riding member for at least 3 working bees
Grazing members have additional duties in caring for our paddocks and checking on the welfare of our grazing herds
Membership requirements and guidelines, policies and rules for members are detailed in the WPPC Members Handbook.