Ground Pass
Non-members/casual riders are welcome to ride at Wainoni Park Pony Club subject to arena availability and ground conditions.
*Limited number available each season.
Entitles riders to full use of the grounds for one year from date of payment.
Suitable for adult riders who do not participate in NZPCA affiliated programs or events and who use the grounds often enough that a casual pass is uneconomical.
Before you come to ride in the grounds/arena at Wainoni Park Pony Club:
Please complete the request form at least 24 hours before you want to use the grounds/arena
Please pay the ground fee into the Wainoni Park Pony Club bank account: 12-3136-0049691-00
Please read the rules for non-members
Please note the following:
We do not book exclusive arena use for individuals
Only 2 jump lessons at a time are allowed in the big arena
Only 2 dressage lessons at a time are allowed in the small arena
Paddocks are closed for riding during winter and reopen in October (depending on ground conditions)
No riding in any paddocks with herds grazing in them
Exclusive arena use can be provided for special camps and clinics by prior arrangement.
If you would like to find out more about hosting a camp, a clinic or booking the clubhouse please contact